Hair Falling Out in Clumps in Shower and After Bleaching

Issues with hair are seen in both men and women. There are various causes that can lead to losing hair in clumps.

Hormones and other conditions like pregnancy can play a role in the falling out of hair. Here are the possible reasons for this, remedies and treatments.

  • If you lose up to 100 hairs in a day, this is considered normal.
  • On the other hand, if you lose more than that, then that is not normal.

You might end up bald if you are a man but if you are a woman, you will realize that the hair on the top of your scalp becomes very thin. This can happen at any time of your life, but it has been shown more prevalent with increase in age.Hair falling out in clumps

The loss of hair could be normal but could raise concern the moment it starts to change how you look. Studies have shown that about 35% of men suffer from massive loss of hair and this leads to baldness. This kind of clumpy loss of hair is known as alopecia.


Why is my hair falling out in clumps? There are so many conditions and reasons why you lose hair on your scalp. The following are some of them:

1. Heredity

Androgenic alopecia is a hereditary condition causing hair thinning and loss in people. If any of your family members has the condition, then you are likely to also suffer the condition.

Both men and women can suffer from androgenic alopecia. In men, hair is lost in a defined pattern right above the temples. This leaves you with an M-shaped appearance.

Women may start to suffer receding hairlines, starting from the temples. The crown area also begins to thin out gradually, significantly reducing hair count over time.

2. Protein deficiency

Adequate protein in your diet is important to bring about the growth of hair. It is therefore important for you to be very careful when dieting so as to have a diet that is all inclusive.

When there’s protein malnutrition, your body will shift growing hairs into the resting phase. If the problem persists for long, you may start noticing that you are losing hair in clumps or patches.

3. Anemia

Sometimes you may start to notice hair going down the drain in the shower. The possible cause is the lack enough iron that can facilitate the growth of hair. You are therefore advised to eat foods that are rich in iron.

There are other reasons why you may have anemia and they include loss of blood, illnesses and pregnancy. Syphilis and autoimmune diseases can lead to iron deficiency and anemia and hence hair loss.

4. Stress

Stress could change the manner in which you handle your hair. Similarly, it could change the amount of time that you spend on your hair.

You should therefore make sure you have the best ways of handling stress in the event that it occurs.

5. Sudden weight loss

Sudden or unexplained weight loss may manifest its side effects in terms of clumps of hair falling out in the shower.

Any light strain of your scalp will lead to the hair getting plucked out easily. Possible causes of sudden weight loss include cancer, HIV/AIDS, overactive thyroid, depression etc.

6. Bleaching

Another possible reason your hair is falling out in clumps is bleaching or coloring. This does not happen in many people but there are times when bleaching causes hair damage.

Damage from bleach includes dry, brittle, inelastic hair, and hair that is more prone to breakage and split ends.” [Philip Kingsley]

You may also experience other damages such as an itchy scalp from bleach and hair dyes.


There are some of the treatment options that you can adopt to help you in with clumpy fall of hair. The following are some:


It is sold in the form of liquids or foam. You can apply the medication to your scalp two times in a day. It encourages regrowth and prevents the loss by inhibiting the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).


They contain a type of hormone and this brings down the immune system and hence getting rid of the loss of hair. They can be used in form of injections or creams and ointments. Injection is the most reliable for consistent prevention of hair loss.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

It is most important especially if you have hair loss as a result of menopause. It entails taking bouts of estrogen and progesterone as pills, creams or patches. It reduces the symptoms that come with menopause.

Hair transplant

This is a surgical procedure that is quite expensive, painful, invasive and may result into scars. It is a remedy that is likely to give you a longer lasting solution.

Ultraviolet light treatment

It involves a light therapy that is done on a weekly basis about two or three times. You will have to carry on with the procedure for about 26 weeks for you to have results. The skin is exposed to light and this might pre-expose you to cancer if care is not considered.

Saw palmetto

It blocks the formation of the hormone DHT, which kills the hair follicles thus leading to massive fall of hair. Intake of saw palmetto can therefore bring about steady growth of hair.

Home remedies

Home remedies are as good as the medical treatments that help in doing away with the clumpy loss of hair.

Aloe vera

It balances the pH levels of your scalp and the hair. The gel penetrates into the scalp and hair and hence promoting the growth of hair. You should take care because the yellow colored gel/ sap has some poisonous components that can irritate your scalp. To remedy this, you can boil the plant before you apply. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly before you start the process
  2. Get an extract of the leaf content and then rub it gently into the hair
  3. Use circular motions to massage the gel into the scalp
  4. Give it about 15 minutes and then get a lot of water and rinse your head
  5. Carry on with the process three times a day especially the morning hours

Oil massage

This is very important because it brings about improved blood circulation and flow to the roots of hair thus hair growth. Constant massage therefore can make your follicles more stimulated to produce more hair. Some of the oils that can be used include jojoba, castor, almond and mustard oil.


This natural remedy helps to rebuild the hair follicles and make the hair shiny, strong and long. This gives your hair the nourishment to grow. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Get the fenugreek soaked in water for a night
  2. Make a paste out of it the next morning
  3. Add some water to the paste to maintain consistency
  4. Add some egg white to it
  5. Massage the paste into your scalp and leave it for about half an hour
  6. Wash off your head thoroughly using a lot of water


It has antibacterial properties that help to get rid of any bacterial infections that might bring the fall of hair. Further, it promotes growth of hair and increases the flow of blood to the skin hence giving nourishment to the roots of the hair. The neem also eliminates the lice and nits on the scalp. The following is the procedure:

  1. Get the neem leaves and boil them
  2. Give the mixture some time to cool
  3. Rinse your hair with the mixture
  4. It is ideal that you carry out the procedure once a week

Amla/Indian Gooseberry

It is a rich source of vitamin C and this makes it useful in facilitation of the growth and strengthening of hair. Further, vitamin C is important in the sense that it helps in the development of collagen, a protein that facilitates growth of hair. More to that, the vitamin is important in the absorption of the iron and hence keeping the roots of hair strong. Importantly, amla can prevent graying of hair.

You can consume the amla regularly so as to strengthen your hair roots. It can also be applied on topically on the scalp as juice and powder. The following is the procedure that you can use to remedy fall of hair:

  1. Get some amla fruit, crush and obtain its juice
  2. Take about 2 teaspoons of the juice or powder and mix with some lime juice
  3. Apply the mixture to the scalp and give it some time to dry
  4. Use warm water to rinse off the mixture off your scalp


It works as natural conditioner and it has the vitamins and proteins which are good for the hair. You will need a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and some yogurt. The following is the procedure that would be ideal in this case:

  1. Take the yogurt and put it into a bowl
  2. Add honey and lemon juice
  3. Mix all the ingredients to form a paste
  4. Apply the mixture to your scalp using a brush and the hair roots
  5. Give the mixture about 30 minutes and then use cold water to rinse the scalp

Onion juice

The juice has very strong antibacterial properties that are in preventing the new infections that bring about loss of hair.

The onion also improves the circulation of blood to your hair follicles and thus growth of hair. You should take care that the juice does not get into your eyes and this would cause burning sensation and discomfort. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Extract some juice from the onion
  2. Apply the juice to your scalp using a cotton ball
  3. Give your scalp about 30 minutes and rinse your head after that
  4. Shampoo your hair usually using a mild shampoo

Hair falling out in clumps in dogs and cats

It is very normal for your dig to lose some hair. The excessive loss of hair is however not normal and could mean that there is an underlying condition, for instance allergies, hormonal imbalance, trauma or infections.

This is according to Dr. Patrick McHale from the Seneca Animal Hospital. The following are some of the causes of the loss of hair on your dog:


Your dog may be allergic to some kinds of foods and chemicals that are found in some skin products. The allergies will make your dog to have reddened skin, itchy skin with hot spots and eventually bumps that lead to massive hair loss


There are different infections that will make your dog to have hair loss and they include ringworms, cancer and folliculitis. These kinds lead to the formation of nodules that might or might not have pus and then falling of hair.

Hormonal imbalance

The disorders like thyroid disorders, pituitary dwarfism and adrenal glands deficiencies bring about the loss of hair in dogs. These disorders bring about the loss balance in the levels of hormones.


When your dog licks its own fur, it brings about own induced trauma and this causes the loss of hair.

After pregnancy

The loss of hair after pregnancy is scientifically called Telogen effluvium. It is brought about mainly by the drop of the hormone called estrogen immediately after you give birth. There is some scientific evidence that points out that about 40 to 50 percent of women have temporary hair falling out after giving birth.

Normally, when you are pregnant, the levels of the hormone estrogen are very high and therefore the amount of hair that falls is less than the amount that grows. You are therefore likely to have massive growth because the hormone stimulates the hair follicles.

On the other hand, when you give birth, the levels of this hormone drop greatly. You are hence likely to have more hair that falls as compared to the much that grows.

The loss is however likely to reduce and you will experience the same hair growth as before pregnancy 12 months after your pregnancy.