Cervical Mucus After Implantation: Does It Look Dry, Bloody or Egg White?

There may be a discharge during the implantation process which is referred to as implantation spotting. This cervical mucus after implantation has its specific characteristics which set it apart from the other types of discharges.

If you just experienced a bloody mucus about a week before your next period, it could be implantation spotting.

What is cervical mucus/discharge?

Cervical Mucus After Implantation
Cervical fluid.


The vagina is constantly producing mucus and fluids to clean itself and prevent infections. The normal vaginal discharge is clear to slightly white in color.

The normal vaginal discharge is also very little in amount as you won’t need anything such as a tampon, sanitary pad or even a panty liner to contain it.

However, when certain processes occur in the body, they are bound to cause noticeable changes in the amount, color and smell of your vaginal discharge.

For example, diseases and normal bodily processes such as ovulation, implantation, pregnancy, menstruation, and others will significantly change the characteristics of the vaginal discharge.

Each of these diseases and processes has their unique discharge which is used as a sign to identify them.

When does implantation occur?

Implantation is the process by which a fertilized egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus where it will grow into a baby.

This process occurs about a week (7 days) to the next period. That is about 21 days from the previous period for a 28-day period.

What does it look like?

What is cervical mucus like after implantation?

The cervical mucus after implantation is a red-pink to a light brown color. It is a bit more than the normal discharge and has no odor to it. Also referred to as implantation spotting, this type of discharge may be accompanied by other symptoms such as the following;

  • Due to the increase in the levels of progesterone hormone, you will experience a general increase in the amount of discharge. This discharge will have a characteristic light brown or pink color.
  • You may also experience hot flashes lasting for about 15 minutes each. These are, however, rarely observed by most women during implantation.
  • It is likely that you will have changes in appetite with increased cravings for certain foods and aversions for others. These changes will only last for a few days and will be mild compared to the food cravings and aversions you may have in a full-blown pregnancy.
  • Frequent urination is another observable sign during and after implantation. During implantation, the frequency will be increased due to hormonal changes. In the pregnancy, the frequency will be influenced by hormonal changes and exertion of pressure on the bladder.
  • Another result of the increased progesterone hormone is the increase in the basal body temperature of the body. This is a minor sign of ovulation since you will need to be tracking your body temperature for a while to notice it.
  • Due to the changes in the hormones, you may notice changes in the breasts such as swelling, soreness, and tenderness during implantation.
  • For a day to two, you may experience mild cramps (compared to those of periods) in the back and lower abdomen. These are referred to as implantation cramps and are a normal part of the implantation process.

You may or may not see any of these signs during implantation. When they occur, take note of how severe they are. For example, if you experience too much bleeding, too much pain or any other sign out of the ordinary, ensure your doctor knows about it.

Dry cervical mucus

Does cervical mucus dry up after implantation?

Two things are bound to happen during the conception (implantation) stage;

  • Either you get pregnant and the fertilized egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. In this case, the level of mucus will keep going up after the first rise a week before the next period.
  • Or you don’t get pregnant and the level of mucus goes down. In this case, you will see the mucus already produced drying up. Here also, you will know you are not pregnant and thus are likely to see the next period.

The drying up of the mucus is a result of a hormonal change which shows that the body would be going back to its normal routine of having a considerably lower amount of mucus.

Do not douche or try to get rid of the dry mucus in an unnatural way. The body will slowly wash it out leaving your vagina normal again.

Spotting or bleeding

Spotting or bleeding during implantation is referred to as implantation spotting. It is a common occurrence which is occasioned by the attachment of the fertilized egg on the uterine lining.

Towards the next period, the wall of the uterus becomes thick in readiness for the implantation process in case of fertilization occurs. When a mature egg is fertilized, it will burrow itself into the wall of the uterus.

This burrowing is what causes pain and some bleeding during implantation. You should be careful with the amount and type of bleeding you should permit or accept to be normal.

The discharge from implantation should not be so much as to require a sanitary napkin or tampon to soak up. At most, you should use a panty liner for it.

Also ensure that the bleeding or spotting does not go on beyond two days (24 hours), has no smell, and not accompanied by itching, nausea, intense pain or other symptoms linked to some diseases.

Egg white CM after implantation

The egg white cervical mucus you notice after implantation is one of the major signs of a pregnancy. This type of cervical mucus will also be stretchy when a finger is inserted into the vagina. It provides the best conditions for the sperms to swim and fertilize the mature egg.

This type of egg white cervical mucus also allows the sperms to stay alive for up to five days to meet with the egg for fertilization.

The fact that this mucus will be flowing outwards ensures that the weakest sperms are eliminated leaving the strong ones which swim all the way to the fallopian tubes for fertilization process.

The other types of mucus include the following;

  • Thick and sticky mucus which does not favor the survival and movement of sperms.
  • Dry days when you have very little or no discharge at all.


cervical mucus in early pregnancy

The early pregnancy being referred to here is the period from implantation to the end of the first trimester. The color, consistency and amount of cervical mucus varies through the menstrual cycle as follows;

  • Before ovulation, there is very little discharge. This period is known as the dry days. The type of discharge noted here is of a milky white to a clear color.
  • During ovulation, there is an increase in the vaginal discharge. Pictures of this discharge show a milky white fluid that is sticky.
  • When implantation sets in, you will still have a high amount of vaginal discharge but it will change to an egg white color and become very stretchy. Pictures of this type of discharge show the egg-white color better observed on a slightly dark background.

Changes after conception

Stretchy CM; Creamy cervical mucus

The changes described above describe the characteristics of the vaginal mucus up to conception (implantation). Afterwards, there are more changes which you should expect.

First, the stretchy cervical mucus will help the sperms reach the eggs for fertilization. When the fertilization has occurred, it will change to a creamy mucus and will be so for the most part of the pregnancy.

There may be some changes to the creamy white discharge you will have during your pregnancy. First of all, you may notice a slightly yellow discharge. This is called leucorrhea and a normal discharge during pregnancy as it is made up of the normal fluids and some dead cells.

If you have an infection such as yeast, you may see a cheese-like discharge which may not have a smell to it. Other symptoms of the disease such as itching, a burning sensation, and sexual pain will help your medical doctor know the exact cause of the disease.

You should see a doctor immediately you notice any of these symptoms.

If any of these discharge has a strong smell, causes an itch, is in excessive amounts or any other bodily changes, you should see your doctor right away.
