Yellow Discharge After Period – Causes & When to See a Doctor

Discharge is a normal fluid made of a mixture of cervical mucus and other vaginal secretions. This is very normal for women, and in fact, healthy.

Depending on the condition of your reproductive system and stage of your cycle, the color, texture and odor may vary.

A yellow discharge after period can appear as thick, clumpy or watery and light. The color can vary from light yellow to dark or yellow brown with odor or odorless.

What does it mean? Is it a yeast infection? What causes a thick or watery yellowish discharge after menstruation?

A pale yellow fluid will in most instances arise due to the presence of blood in your vaginal mucus after your menstruation cycle has ended.

The process is not only normal, but it also happens to be natural, as it is used by the vagina to clean itself at the end of your cycle.Yellow discharge after period

But, a yellow or creamy cheese like discharge can also be caused by a vaginal yeast infection. You need to be on the lookout for a yellow snot, light, watery, or thick vaginal mucus-like discharge.

Is it normal?

Yes, it is normal for women to have a discharge after menstruation ends. Often, the discharge color will vary between clear white and yellowish brown. It is secreted by a gland found in your vagina, as well as in the neck of your womb (cervix).

  • It is important to understand that a yellowish vaginal discharge is normal.
  • Its primary aim is to make certain that your vagina will remain clean and healthy at all times.
  • Often, the yellowish brown discharge after a period is completely harmless, and it can actually be beneficial to your vagina.
  • However, there are times when yellow vaginal mucus after period can mean an infection.

If looking for the meaning of brown discharge, well, it implies that your periods were delayed, hence the brown color at the end of your menses.

The brown color is caused by the endometrial tissue discharge, which was unable to leave your body when you were menstruating. As such, you do not have to be concerned about it—it is a natural part of the uterus cleaning process.


Normal vaginal discharges should have no odor, and should not be itchy. Additionally, the vaginal discharge should not cause any irritation or pain in your vaginal opening.

A normal yellow discharge after period should not cause any pain or burning sensation in vagina when urinating or when having sex.

The causes of watery yellow fluid include:

Light yellow discharge after period ends
Light yellow vaginal mucus.

1. Increased estrogen levels

The presence of an imbalance in your female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) will not only affect your reproductive organs, but it will also alter the way they function. The presence of an estrogen dominance means that the available levels are more than what is needed.

When there is abundant estrogen in your body, a yellowish looking discharge is produced. The hormone gets produced by your ovaries to ensure that your reproductive system is functioning optimally. Estrogen dominance can be brought about by:

  • Eating low fiber diets
  • Stress
  • Loss of body fat
  • External chemical factors e.g. plastic bottles and cosmetics

2. Yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus, which is naturally present in your vagina. For the vagina to remain healthy at all times, a combination of yeast and bacteria is required.

However, when the yeast levels become too high, the vaginal discharge becomes itchy and can cause a lot of discomfort in this highly sensitive region.

When a yeast infection is responsible for the yellowish vaginal discharge, it will normally be odorless, clumpy, and will in many cases resemble cottage cheese. The color may vary between white (thick white discharge) and yellow. Additional symptoms include experience a burning sensation when peeing and pain when engaging in sexual intercourse.

3. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is another major cause of this kind of discharge and happens to be one of the most common STIs (sexually transmitted infections). The disease is caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium. Its symptoms include:

  • Bleeding during and after coitus
  • Pain when peeing
  • Bleeding between your periods
  • Abnormal or unusual yellowish vaginal discharge
  • Periods that are heavier than normal
  • Lower abdominal pain

4. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial infections are characterized by the presence of a rotten meat or fish odor. This smell becomes more obvious after you have had sex, and it can be a major source of embarrassment for many women. It comes about due to the presence of too many bad bacteria in your vagina.

A healthy vagina will have both good and bad bacteria, but when the bad outweighs the good, it leads to the development of bacterial vaginosis. Its most common symptom is the presence of a smelly white, grayish, or yellow discharge.

Other causes of watery yellowish looking discharge include:

  • Cervicitis
  • Sexually transmitted infections


At times pale yellow fluid could be noticed when the monthly periods are late, but then again the color goes back to normal once you get your periods.

The same case also applies when you miss your menses, even though the color of your vaginal discharge will in such cases be brown rather than yellow.

1. Watery discharge

Light yellow watery discharge after period
Slight yellow watery vaginal discharge.

A watery yellow discharge after period is entirely normal and is caused by natural occurrences in your body.

In case the discharge appears to be slightly yellow, it will mean that it has been caused by the presence of a small amount of blood in your vaginal discharge.

It basically happens when your body is attempting to flush out all the remaining tissue or blood from your menses. Worry not, as the discharge should turn white or clear within a couple of days.

2. Thick yellowish mucus

Thick yellow vaginal discharge after menstruation
Thick yellowish discharge should be alarming.

Thick mucus like vaginal discharge occurring at the end of your cycle is an indication that you are very fertile.

This fertile thick mucus is a sign that your ovulation days are very close.

Therefore, this should not worry you, as it is a good indication, especially for women who are looking to become pregnant.

3. Yellow brown discharge after period

Many women tend to worry a lot when they notice a yellow brown vaginal discharge right after period ends. There is nothing for you to worry about, as the discharge is completely normal, more so when it is not accompanied by any other secondary symptoms.

Yellow brown discharge after menses
Yellow brown discharge after menses.

Understand that your vaginal canal has various glands lining its length.

All these glands secrete different kinds of thick mucus secretions, which are meant to guarantee its continued lubrication.

In addition, the secretions ensure that your vagina is moist at all times.

As such, when your vagina is being cleansed, these secretions will wash out all the tissue, germs, and dirt debris that could have been present in the canal.

4. Itchy yellow discharge, is it a yeast infection?

An itchy yellow vaginal discharge provides for a very painful and uncomfortable situation. An itchy vagina can be caused by:

To establish whether the itchiness has been caused by a yeast infection, you should look for the presence of a cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge.

On the other hand, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis are identified by the presence of a yellowish vaginal discharge, which is highly itchy.

5. Light or dark yellow discharge with no odor

There are women who may notice the presence of a light or dark yellow discharge with no odor at the end of menstruation. Even though it is not unusual for it to occur, the causes can vary from one woman to another.Light yellow mucus after period

There are instances, which will indicate there is nothing to worry about, while others will indicate that there is an underlying health condition.

Some women have to deal with this kind of discharge each month as it keeps recurring. In such cases, it may have been caused by a late period especially if it is dark yellow.

Additionally, it may also be an indication that your blood has undergone some alterations, thereby, indicating that there is an underlying problem in your vagina or uterus.

Treatment options

The treatment options applied by your physician will largely depend on what has caused the appearance of the yellow discharge. For instance, a yeast infection will be treated with antifungal medications that are inserted into your vagina. They can either be antifungal creams or gels.

Bacterial vaginosis, on the other hand, is treated using antibiotic creams or pills. Trichomoniasis will be treated using Tindamax or Flagyl.

Home remedies

As mentioned earlier, the yellow color in your vaginal discharge comes about when the vagina is cleaning itself by eliminating the menstrual remnants, which should allow its color to return to clear within a couple of days.

If you are not comfortable using the medication that has been mentioned above, you can try the following home treatment options.

1. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek is a wonderful herb relied on to when treating many varying medical conditions. Its seeds are vital when it comes to women health issues, as it assists in ensuring that there is a balance between all the hormones that are present in their bodies. It can also be used to regulate the menstrual flow when consumed on a frequent basis.

  1. Using your hand, scoop a few handful of fenugreek seeds and proceed to soak them in a bowl of water for one night.
  2. The following morning, strain out all the water, and then consume the water, on an empty stomach.
  3. Make sure to repeat this process each day for the next fourteen days

NOTE: ingestion of fenugreek water may induce gastrointestinal discomforts e.g. allergic reactions, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea.

2. Garlic

It is a widely known antibacterial herb, which happens to be readily available in many homesteads. Regular use of garlic not only helps in dealing with the discharge, but you can also use it to get rid of any odor that could be present.

It contains powerful antifungal elements, which are critical in eliminating the fungi responsible for causing infections, which lead to the discharge and the odor. Here’s how to get rid of a yellow discharge after period naturally with garlic.

  1. Each morning, eat a single garlic clove, before drinking a warm cup of water
  2. Alternatively, insert a single garlic clove in the vagina, and let it remain there for a few hours. Once you have removed the clove, make sure that you wash your vagina properly. You should repeat this process at least twice each week.
  3. You may also consider using it when preparing your food.

3. Cranberry juice

It is efficient in eliminating any toxins present in your body. The cranberry juice happens to be naturally acidic, which thereby ensures that there is a very small amount of bacteria in your body.

This is the reason why any person suffering from a UTI is advised to take tons of cranberry juice. One glass of this juice will play a vital role in getting rid of all the toxins that could be present in the body, as well as eliminating any discharge that may have been present in your vagina.

4. Baking soda

One of the leading causes of a yellow discharge is the presence of an imbalance pH in your vagina. Baking soda assists in leveling these pH levels. It also comes in handy when you realize that a foul smelling odor accompanies the discharge.

  1. Measure two tablespoons of baking soda and place them in a cup of water. Repeat this process each day
  2. Alternatively, measure half a glass of baking soda and add it to your bathing water. If you choose this option, you will have to sit in your tub for at least twenty minutes for it to work.
  3. Baking soda is recommended for vaginal discharge as it assists in eliminating the odor present in the vaginal discharge, as well as in getting rid of all infections.

When to see a doctor

You should see your doctor if you experience any abnormal symptoms or notice a yellow discharge during your first trimester of pregnancy.

Also, if you are getting a smelly yellow discharge after period, visit your doctor to rule out a yeast infection.

It is also important to visit your doctor if there’s a greenish yellow vaginal discharge accompanied by itching, irritation, swelling and/or a fever.

It will also be crucial to avoid using scented soaps as well as other types of scented feminine hygiene products. Doing so ensures that your body retains optimal pH levels. When cleaning your vagina, make sure that you only use mild soaps, and avoid douching.